Isamu Noguchi - Akari 24N

The Akari 24N is handcrafted from washi paper and a bamboo frame. Upon closer inspection, you can see that the paper is first cut into strips and then carefully adhered to the bamboo frame one by one. During the production process, a wooden structure is set up inside the lamp, which is later removed once the paper has dried, leaving behind a delicate paper lantern. Isamu Noguchi designed these lightweight lamps, whose airy and elegant form balances the cool tone of incandescent bulbs.

Since discovering Isamu Noguchi’s work, this is the third Akari lamp I have personally handled and assembled. The 24N is slightly larger in scale than the previous 1A and 1N models I’ve encountered. The first thing that amazed me was how such a large lamp could fit into a flat box. Unfolding the paper lamp, I could feel the sturdiness of the bamboo structure—behind its delicate and sensitive appearance lies a remarkable strength in its construction.

Placed in a space, I love its rounded shape, flat handle, and slender legs. Quietly sitting in the corner, it becomes a gentle companion.

Akari 24N是由手工和紙和竹框製成,近看可以發現,其實是先將紙切成條狀再一一黏在竹框上。製作過程會先架設木頭結構在其中,等到紙都乾燥了以後再將結構移除,留下一盞纖細的紙燈。野口勇設計了這些輕巧的燈具,輕盈、優雅的外型平衡了白熾燈泡的冷調。



Size: 400x 400 x 580 mm


Tecali Puebla Onyx plate


Isamu Noguchi - Akari 1A / 1N / 1AD