Koss x Retrospekt P/21 Retro

SONY launched the WALKMAN in 1979, and people can now listen to music with a portable cassette player. At that time, SONY also found a corresponding headphone with a bright orange sponge appearance. The headphone then became a stylish accessory on the street.

The headphones produced by KOSS and Retrospekt are retro-styled to the lightweight over-ear headphones launched by sony. The stainless steel material is not burdensome to wear on the head. After wearing it for a whole day when moving and working in the city, I almost forget its existence. It’s a little bit of retro, low-key, and a little bit of character.

1979 年SONY所推出的WALKMAN 在當時讓邊走路邊聽音樂變成可能,也搭配著卡帶機推出了相應的耳機,橘色的海綿成為一種走在路上酷酷的標誌。


掛在脖子上也是酷酷的單品 !


Isamu Noguchi - Akari UF3-Q


Eames Plastic Chair, 1950