Isamu Noguchi - Akari UF3-Q

The Akari UF3-Q embodies a quiet balance between structure and softness. Its square paper lantern stands with quiet confidence, while the warm glow diffuses gently, softening the edges of the space. This contrast—between form and fluidity—reflects Noguchi’s vision of balance, where opposites coexist in harmony.

A square paper lamp naturally belongs in the corners of a home, filling the space with a quiet presence. It doesn’t demand attention, but its soft illumination transforms the atmosphere, making stillness feel warm and full. At night, it casts a calming glow; by morning, it lingers with the first light of day, carrying traces of the evening before.

More than just a lamp, the Akari UF3-Q shapes light as an experience—structured yet weightless, precise yet warm. It reminds us that light is not just functional; it holds time, atmosphere, and the quiet poetry of space.

當目光落在 Akari UF3-Q 上,最直覺的印象是「方」與「圓」的對話。方形的和紙燈籠如靜止的容器,穩穩地佇立在空間的一角,而內部透出的柔和光線則如圓形般流動,打破方的剛硬,為空間帶來細膩的層次。這種對立卻和諧的形態,正是我對野口勇「平衡與形式」的理解——在結構與流動、剛與柔之間找到共鳴。


方形紙籠與溫暖光暈,成為家中靜悄悄的完美配角。 夜晚,它映照出柔和的光影,為片刻沉思增添靜謐;清晨,它與晨光交融,彷彿仍留有昨夜的餘韻。這盞燈不只是照明,更是一種光的體驗——野口勇以東方工藝與西方雕塑語彙交織出的獨特光影語言。

當我們看向 Akari UF3-Q,方與圓、靜與動、結構與柔和彼此調和,構築出無聲的詩意空間。在這片靜謐之中,燈光不只是光,而是時間緩慢流動的證明,讓每個夜晚都沉浸在溫暖的柔光之中。

Size: 430x 430 x 1450 mm


Isamu Noguchi - Akari 1A / 1N / 1AD


Koss x Retrospekt P/21 Retro